Where would I go and work?

I got asked a really good question by an interviewee recently. “If I wasn’t working at Artsy, where would I want to work?”.

I have no plans on leaving Artsy, I’ve been here for 4 years, and I still feel like bringing the Art world online and lowering the barrier to entry is worth my time. I politely tell this to every recruiter who emails. However the thought experiment is interesting.


Some of the things that worry me the most are; the levels of inequility in the world and the damage done by The Establishment.

The Intercept / First Look Media

The Intercept is where the cutting edge of political journalism is at now. When I’m interested in American politics, this is my first port of call. They don’t even have open iOS positions, I’d apply anyway.


The state of the UK as far gone as the US. However there is a lot broken in the UK, and its safe to expect that for the next few years things will get worse.

My Society is a non-for-profit that creates tools and APIs that help people correlate political actions. They make it easy to get data from the goverment via the freedom of information act, provide profiles on politicians ( the one who represents me has a pretty disgusting track record. ) and lower the barrier to participation considerably.

They’re not looking for new people, but I’d also apply anyway with a Pitch of how they could use iOS to their advantage.

The Guardian

The last British newpaper I actively read. They seem to be looking for engineers and don’t seem to differentiate between types of engineers.

If they were good enough for Snowden, they are good enough for me.


I still trust iMessage. Though, it’s looking like that might not be a good decision.

I believe that individuals should have the right to privacy. It’s looking like this is probably a political debate, but that technical solutions can help. I’d want to work on that.

Open Whisper Systems

The EFF have a score card for secure messaging apps. There are a few apps that get the all green, but the one that stands out the most to me is Signal. It’s a collection of Open Source apps that use cryptography to ensure message security. They are looking for iOS devs / Product Designers - this would be meaningful work entirely in the open.